星期二, 3月 26, 2013

Ron Clark 的 Essential 55 Rules

Essential 55 Rules - shortcut version for daily life

1. Respond to others when spoken to.
2. Make eye contact when spoken to.
3. Congratulate others.
4. Respect others’ comments, opinions, and ideas.
5. If you win, do not brag, if you lose, do not show anger.
6. If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.
7. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.
8. Do not show disrespect with gestures.
9. Always say thank you when given something.
10. When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.
11. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.
15. Do not ask for a reward.
16. You must complete your homework every day.
17. Subject transitions and moving to different classrooms will be swift, quiet, and orderly.
Be as organized as possible.
When task is assigned, do not moan or complain.
When a substitute leader present, all rules still apply.
Follow the specific ocation protocols.
24. Know others’ names and greet them in the hall by name.
25. Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free.
26. Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.
27. Do not save seats for others
Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.
30. The ABC’s of etiquette.
31. After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for your trash.
32. In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean your room.
33. On a bus, always face forward.
34. When meeting new people shake hands and repeat their names. 認識新朋友,要記住對方的名字,道別時記得稱呼對方。
35. When offered food, take only your fair share. 吃自助餐或有人請客時取菜不要貪多。
36. If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up. 別人掉東西到你跟前,請幫他撿起來。
37. Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them. 進門時,如果後面還有人,請幫他扶住門,免得門在他面前関掉。
38. If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault. 別人踫撞到你,不管你有沒有錯,都要說對不起。
39. On a field trip, enter a public building quietly. 參加校外教學時,無論進入哪一個公共樓房,都要安安靜靜。
40. On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting. 去參觀別人的地方要多多誇獎。
During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends. 全校師生開會的時候,不要講話或呼叫你的朋友。
41. At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner. 接電話時應答要有禮貌。
42. When returning from a trip, shake the hands of every chaperone. 一趟校外教學結束,要一一感謝所有隨行的老師和家長。
43. Keep right in the hallways when walking. 乘電扶梯時要站右邊,讓趕時間的人可以從左邊先行。
44. When walking in line, Keep your arms at your sides and move quietly. 列隊行進時不要說話。
45. Never cut in line.不要插隊,看到別人插隊時不要大呼小叫,讓老師知道就好。
46. No talking during movie or distance learning.看電影時不要説話或干擾到別人。
47. Do not bring Doritos into the school building. 不可以帶零食進入學校樓房。
49. Stand up for what you believe. 捍衛自己的理想,不因別人否定而退縮。
50. Be positive and enjoy life. 要積極樂觀地去享受人生。
51. Live so that you will never have regrets. 別讓將來有遺憾,想做什麽就盡力去做。
52. Learn from your mistakes and move on. 從錯誤中學習,並繼續向前邁進。
53. No matter the circumstances, always be honest. 不管什麽情況,一定要誠實,做錯了就坦白承認。
54. Carpe Diem. 把握今天,不要浪費它。
55. Be the best person you can be. 在你的能力範圍内,作最棒、最棒的人。


書名: 張徹談香港電影 作者: 張徹 出版: 三聯書店 初版: 2012年6月 頁數: 252 張徹在報章寫文談及香港電影,成文時大約在1988年。但他已察覺到香港電影的沒落,並言市場沒落將於兩年(1990)後 出現。香港電影經過周星馳等等無厘頭電影苦苦支撐十年,終於在2000年代完成歷史任務。張徹導演可謂先知先覺。張導演在書中詳細分析了包括片廠制度,明星制度,老板等等因素。書中引用了不少邵氏公司人物作為例子,可作為邵氏公司小史來閱讀。

星期六, 3月 23, 2013


書名: 上海舊夢 作者: 孫樹棻 出版: 天地圖書有限公司 初版: 1999 頁數: 166 剛上映的電影"大上海" (2012) 被評為新不如舊 "上海皇帝"(1993)。其中一個原因是此電影並無半點當年上海生活人聞氣息,只是一幫人穿上戲服在片場演戲。本書作者從小在上海長大,耳濡目染不少當年見聞及提供第一手上海生活資料;可提供參考。 申延閱讀: 張愛玲一系列小說 李安導演電影"色、戒"