流 氓
日 本 有 一 個 很 受 年 輕 人 歡 迎 的 題 材 , 叫 《 滿 身 傷 痕 的 天 使 》 , 講 的 是 一 個 富 家 女 愛 上 個 流 氓 , 勇 敢 和 他 離 家 出 走 的 故 事 。
類 似 的 情 節 也 發 生 在 其 他 國 家 中 , 觀 眾 看 得 如 癡 如 醉 。 每 個 少 女 都 幻 想 自 己 是 那 個 有 錢 家 的 女 兒 , 而 男 孩 子 則 認 為 被 社 會 誤 會 是 一 件 很 浪 漫 的 事 。
現 實 生 活 中 又 如 何 ? 那 個 叛 逆 青 年 , 要 是 努 力 上 進 , 才 能 出 人 頭 地 。 可 惜 他 們 不 學 無 術 , 最 後 還 是 悲 劇 收 場 。
最 怕 就 是 那 些 不 肯 自 修 的 英 俊 小 生 , 平 庸 地 過 後 半 輩 子 算 是 幸 運 , 潦 倒 的 居 多 。 貴 婦 愛 流 氓 , 只 在 他 年 輕 時 。 老 了 還 當 流 氓 ?
星期三, 3月 09, 2005
星期二, 3月 08, 2005
His Cheerfulness and Friendliness
A politican's cheerfulness and friendliness to the media look like those of a boss to his subcoordinates.
A politican's cheerfulness and friendliness to the media look like those of a boss to his subcoordinates.
The Feeble's Guessing
I took back my comments on Mr Tsang yesterday.
Looking at the picture attached which deliberately put a halo over Tsang's head, the media is just want to be the kingmaker to show what they believe or what's the public want to believe but not what they report.
So not knowing Mr Tsang personally, perhaps he is a cheerful guy and was just being friendly to the media waiting for him to take the pictures......
I took back my comments on Mr Tsang yesterday.
Looking at the picture attached which deliberately put a halo over Tsang's head, the media is just want to be the kingmaker to show what they believe or what's the public want to believe but not what they report.
So not knowing Mr Tsang personally, perhaps he is a cheerful guy and was just being friendly to the media waiting for him to take the pictures......
The Feeble's Guessing
假 設 得 太 大 膽 了.....
...言 之 鑿 鑿 , 肯 定 說 好 了 政 務 司 司 長 曾 蔭 權 就 是 董 建 華 的 繼 任 人...
...與 其 沉 迷 人 治 秘 聞 , 不 如 關 心 制 度 。
While nearly all of us enjoy speculating the secrets behind political maneuvers which appear not a bit in our powerless hands, Ng suggests below there are others worth looking at.
假 設 得 太 大 膽 了
Apple Daily, Magaret Ng
市 面 流 行 的 一 些 看 法 相 當 令 人 莫 名 其 妙 。 例 如 , 言 之 鑿 鑿 , 肯 定 說 好 了 政 務 司 司 長 曾 蔭 權 就 是 董 建 華 的 繼 任 人 , 而 關 鍵 只 在 讓 他 當 特 首 兩 年 還 是 五 年 。 其 實 , 董 建 華 一 旦 辭 職 , 身 為 「 與 行 政 長 官 共 同 進 退 」 、 任 期 不 能 長 於 行 政 長 官 任 期 的 問 責 官 員 , 曾 蔭 權 怎 樣 仍 能 繼 續 不 退 而 安 享 其 政 務 司 司 長 職 位 , 都 需 要 解 釋 清 楚 。 就 算 能 繼 續 當 政 務 司 司 長 , 唯 一 可 以 肯 定 的 , 就 是 按 照 《 基 本 法 》 第 五 十 三 條 , 曾 蔭 權 會 代 理 行 政 長 官 職 務 , 為 期 不 超 過 六 個 月 。 新 的 行 政 長 官 是 要 經 按 照 第 四 十 五 條 舉 行 的 選 舉 產 生 , 然 後 由 中 央 任 命 的 。 要 當 行 政 長 官 , 曾 蔭 權 必 須 參 選 , 而 根 據 《 行 政 長 官 選 舉 條 例 》 , 公 職 人 員 須 先 辭 去 公 職 , 才 有 資 格 得 到 提 名 。 曾 蔭 權 必 須 先 辭 去 政 務 司 司 長 的 職 位 才 能 得 到 提 名 。 辭 掉 司 長 職 務 , 自 然 更 不 能 代 理 行 政 長 官 職 務 了 , 代 理 之 職 , 就 依 次 序 落 在 財 政 司 司 長 唐 英 年 身 上 。 假 如 唐 英 年 也 參 選 , 他 也 須 先 辭 職 , 依 次 序 代 理 特 首 之 職 就 落 在 律 政 司 司 長 梁 愛 詩 身 上 ! 猜 測 曾 蔭 權 接 替 董 建 華 而 任 期 只 是 兩 年 的 人 , 理 據 是 「 挺 唐 」 派 和 「 挺 」 其 他 熱 門 人 選 的 派 別 , 認 為 等 兩 年 可 忍 , 等 五 年 就 太 渺 茫 , 因 而 不 能 接 受 。 可 是 , 即 使 兩 年 , 誰 知 隔 了 一 個 精 於 運 用 權 術 的 行 政 長 官 的 「 朝 代 」 , 香 港 形 勢 會 變 成 怎 樣 ? 可 能 時 機 已 過 。 而 曾 蔭 權 一 旦 「 登 基 」 , 必 然 四 面 楚 歌 , 十 面 埋 伏 , 友 少 敵 多 ; 莫 說 兩 年 , 可 能 一 年 就 做 不 下 去 了 。 與 其 沉 迷 人 治 秘 聞 , 不 如 關 心 制 度 。
...言 之 鑿 鑿 , 肯 定 說 好 了 政 務 司 司 長 曾 蔭 權 就 是 董 建 華 的 繼 任 人...
...與 其 沉 迷 人 治 秘 聞 , 不 如 關 心 制 度 。
While nearly all of us enjoy speculating the secrets behind political maneuvers which appear not a bit in our powerless hands, Ng suggests below there are others worth looking at.
假 設 得 太 大 膽 了
Apple Daily, Magaret Ng
市 面 流 行 的 一 些 看 法 相 當 令 人 莫 名 其 妙 。 例 如 , 言 之 鑿 鑿 , 肯 定 說 好 了 政 務 司 司 長 曾 蔭 權 就 是 董 建 華 的 繼 任 人 , 而 關 鍵 只 在 讓 他 當 特 首 兩 年 還 是 五 年 。 其 實 , 董 建 華 一 旦 辭 職 , 身 為 「 與 行 政 長 官 共 同 進 退 」 、 任 期 不 能 長 於 行 政 長 官 任 期 的 問 責 官 員 , 曾 蔭 權 怎 樣 仍 能 繼 續 不 退 而 安 享 其 政 務 司 司 長 職 位 , 都 需 要 解 釋 清 楚 。 就 算 能 繼 續 當 政 務 司 司 長 , 唯 一 可 以 肯 定 的 , 就 是 按 照 《 基 本 法 》 第 五 十 三 條 , 曾 蔭 權 會 代 理 行 政 長 官 職 務 , 為 期 不 超 過 六 個 月 。 新 的 行 政 長 官 是 要 經 按 照 第 四 十 五 條 舉 行 的 選 舉 產 生 , 然 後 由 中 央 任 命 的 。 要 當 行 政 長 官 , 曾 蔭 權 必 須 參 選 , 而 根 據 《 行 政 長 官 選 舉 條 例 》 , 公 職 人 員 須 先 辭 去 公 職 , 才 有 資 格 得 到 提 名 。 曾 蔭 權 必 須 先 辭 去 政 務 司 司 長 的 職 位 才 能 得 到 提 名 。 辭 掉 司 長 職 務 , 自 然 更 不 能 代 理 行 政 長 官 職 務 了 , 代 理 之 職 , 就 依 次 序 落 在 財 政 司 司 長 唐 英 年 身 上 。 假 如 唐 英 年 也 參 選 , 他 也 須 先 辭 職 , 依 次 序 代 理 特 首 之 職 就 落 在 律 政 司 司 長 梁 愛 詩 身 上 ! 猜 測 曾 蔭 權 接 替 董 建 華 而 任 期 只 是 兩 年 的 人 , 理 據 是 「 挺 唐 」 派 和 「 挺 」 其 他 熱 門 人 選 的 派 別 , 認 為 等 兩 年 可 忍 , 等 五 年 就 太 渺 茫 , 因 而 不 能 接 受 。 可 是 , 即 使 兩 年 , 誰 知 隔 了 一 個 精 於 運 用 權 術 的 行 政 長 官 的 「 朝 代 」 , 香 港 形 勢 會 變 成 怎 樣 ? 可 能 時 機 已 過 。 而 曾 蔭 權 一 旦 「 登 基 」 , 必 然 四 面 楚 歌 , 十 面 埋 伏 , 友 少 敵 多 ; 莫 說 兩 年 , 可 能 一 年 就 做 不 下 去 了 。 與 其 沉 迷 人 治 秘 聞 , 不 如 關 心 制 度 。
星期一, 3月 07, 2005
江山如此多嬌 引無數英雄競折腰...數風流人物 還看今朝 (Full text below)
It makes all ambitious fight to bend. Who of them could walk away without an itch? At least not me if eligible. Mr Mao knew them well.
沁園春 毛澤東.....江山如此多嬌 引無數英雄競折腰惜秦皇漢武 略輸文采 唐宗宋祖 稍遜風騷一代天驕 成吉思汗 只解彎弓射大鵰俱往矣 數風流人物 還看今朝
It makes all ambitious fight to bend. Who of them could walk away without an itch? At least not me if eligible. Mr Mao knew them well.
沁園春 毛澤東.....江山如此多嬌 引無數英雄競折腰惜秦皇漢武 略輸文采 唐宗宋祖 稍遜風騷一代天驕 成吉思汗 只解彎弓射大鵰俱往矣 數風流人物 還看今朝
星期日, 3月 06, 2005
His Target Coining His Writing
Reading his illuminating article below, you might find Tao somehow deserves the praise earned.
In criticising the writing, some of his readers look desiring him using a more pleasing tone and not saving his knowhow often. He often despises Chinese thinkings by contrasting them with seemingly righteous Western ones. And what he is talking below might be plainly summaried as the difference between English language and literature.
However if he changes his style as so, on one hand he looks able to grab some audience of relatively high demand and on the other he might lose not few of the existing.
He have learned not only literature but marketing from the West. He appears aiming at broad praise.
AppleDaily, 陶傑
英 語 是 活 的 , 來 自 人 際 生 活 , 英 文 文 法 是 死 的 , 只 是 課 室 和 讀 本 的 條 。 第 一 流 的 英 語 是 生 活 的 海 洋 中 一 條 條 神 仙 魚 , 不 會 只 講 求 文 法 的 正 確 , 而 是 靈 氣 洋 溢 , 神 采 飛 揚 。 英 語 是 很 調 皮 的 語 言 , 把 英 文 很 活 絡 地 把 玩 , 第 一 要 懂 得 使 用 英 語 的 「 隱 喻 」 。 隱 喻 , 英 文 叫 metaphor , 是 一 種 很 有 詩 情 的 創 意 。 在 電 影 《 誘 心 人 》 , 飾 演 失 意 作 家 的 祖 迪 羅 , 在 巴 士 邂 逅 一 個 美 國 少 女 。 人 家 問 他 甚 麼 職 業 , 他 說 ; 我 是 報 紙 的 訃 聞 版 記 者 。 少 女 問 他 : 訃 聞 版 是 甚 麼 東 西 ? 祖 迪 羅 答 : 「 那 是 新 聞 行 業 的 西 伯 利 亞 。 」 ( That's the Siberia of journalism. ) 這 一 句 , 就 是 隱 喻 。 西 伯 利 亞 是 一 片 天 寒 地 凍 的 荒 土 , 是 史 太 林 流 放 政 治 犯 的 地 方 。 報 紙 的 訃 聞 版 是 新 聞 行 業 的 西 伯 利 亞 , 懂 得 這 樣 說 話 , 集 幽 默 、 口 才 、 自 嘲 於 一 身 , 省 卻 一 大 堆 結 結 巴 巴 的 廢 話 , 盡 顯 主 角 的 性 格 , 這 就 是 第 一 流 的 英 語 。
美 國 少 女 聽 見 了 , 笑 一 笑 , 眉 毛 一 揚 : 「 對 我 說 說 西 伯 利 亞 吧 。 」 ( Tell me about Siberia. ) 意 思 就 是 : 不 要 那 麼 謙 卑 , 我 對 你 有 興 趣 , 我 願 意 多 了 解 你 一 些 , 請 你 繼 續 剖 白 吧 。 就 這 樣 在 巴 士 搭 上 了 線 , 憑 的 是 一 句 含 蓄 而 得 體 的 自 嘲 。 英 語 說 到 這 個 境 界 , 文 法 再 熟 練 也 沒 有 用 , 詞 彙 記 得 再 多 也 枉 然 , 靠 的 是 想 像 力 、 創 意 、 才 華 。 香 港 的 英 文 育 , 一 千 年 , 也 不 出 這 等 英 語 , 因 為 中 國 人 本 來 就 不 會 充 滿 想 像 力 地 溝 通 。 訃 聞 版 是 甚 麼 ? 他 多 半 會 說 : 那 是 紀 念 名 人 的 傳 記 之 頁 。 這 樣 就 悶 出 鳥 來 。 用 這 等 平 鋪 直 的 方 式 就 想 結 識 美 女 ? 可 以 , 除 非 對 方 是 一 名 村 姑 。
中 國 人 在 西 方 社 會 , 英 語 最 多 只 能 說 得 平 穩 規 矩 , 說 不 出 情 趣 來 , 就 是 因 為 想 像 力 枯 竭 , 中 國 人 的 思 想 意 識 太 沉 重 了 。 地 道 的 英 語 是 輕 盈 的 , 笑 罵 不 帶 髒 字 , 富 有 隱 喻 , 要 有 豐 富 的 聯 想 , 能 夠 笑 嘻 嘻 地 唇 槍 舌 劍 。 像 《 誘 心 人 》 的 祖 迪 羅 又 想 打 女 攝 影 家 茱 莉 亞 羅 拔 絲 的 主 意 , 上 她 的 影 樓 , 叫 她 為 自 己 照 相 , 一 面 問 她 : 「 你 把 我 當 陌 生 人 嗎 ? 」 ( Am I a stranger? ) 羅 拔 絲 冷 冷 地 說 : 「 不 , 你 只 是 一 份 工 作 。 」 ( No, you are only a job. ) 這 就 是 上 等 的 英 語 能 力 了 。 許 多 華 人 在 美 國 , 最 多 只 能 用 英 文 在 學 術 會 議 念 報 告 , 休 息 的 時 候 , 不 懂 得 用 這 種 語 言 溝 通 。 許 多 人 自 覺 英 語 好 , 就 是 無 法 所 謂 融 入 當 地 社 會 。 學 學 《 誘 心 人 》 的 英 語 對 白 吧 。 想 媾 鬼 妹 , 英 語 要 有 點 創 意 , 先 走 出 唐 人 街 。
Reading his illuminating article below, you might find Tao somehow deserves the praise earned.
In criticising the writing, some of his readers look desiring him using a more pleasing tone and not saving his knowhow often. He often despises Chinese thinkings by contrasting them with seemingly righteous Western ones. And what he is talking below might be plainly summaried as the difference between English language and literature.
However if he changes his style as so, on one hand he looks able to grab some audience of relatively high demand and on the other he might lose not few of the existing.
He have learned not only literature but marketing from the West. He appears aiming at broad praise.
AppleDaily, 陶傑
英 語 是 活 的 , 來 自 人 際 生 活 , 英 文 文 法 是 死 的 , 只 是 課 室 和 讀 本 的 條 。 第 一 流 的 英 語 是 生 活 的 海 洋 中 一 條 條 神 仙 魚 , 不 會 只 講 求 文 法 的 正 確 , 而 是 靈 氣 洋 溢 , 神 采 飛 揚 。 英 語 是 很 調 皮 的 語 言 , 把 英 文 很 活 絡 地 把 玩 , 第 一 要 懂 得 使 用 英 語 的 「 隱 喻 」 。 隱 喻 , 英 文 叫 metaphor , 是 一 種 很 有 詩 情 的 創 意 。 在 電 影 《 誘 心 人 》 , 飾 演 失 意 作 家 的 祖 迪 羅 , 在 巴 士 邂 逅 一 個 美 國 少 女 。 人 家 問 他 甚 麼 職 業 , 他 說 ; 我 是 報 紙 的 訃 聞 版 記 者 。 少 女 問 他 : 訃 聞 版 是 甚 麼 東 西 ? 祖 迪 羅 答 : 「 那 是 新 聞 行 業 的 西 伯 利 亞 。 」 ( That's the Siberia of journalism. ) 這 一 句 , 就 是 隱 喻 。 西 伯 利 亞 是 一 片 天 寒 地 凍 的 荒 土 , 是 史 太 林 流 放 政 治 犯 的 地 方 。 報 紙 的 訃 聞 版 是 新 聞 行 業 的 西 伯 利 亞 , 懂 得 這 樣 說 話 , 集 幽 默 、 口 才 、 自 嘲 於 一 身 , 省 卻 一 大 堆 結 結 巴 巴 的 廢 話 , 盡 顯 主 角 的 性 格 , 這 就 是 第 一 流 的 英 語 。
美 國 少 女 聽 見 了 , 笑 一 笑 , 眉 毛 一 揚 : 「 對 我 說 說 西 伯 利 亞 吧 。 」 ( Tell me about Siberia. ) 意 思 就 是 : 不 要 那 麼 謙 卑 , 我 對 你 有 興 趣 , 我 願 意 多 了 解 你 一 些 , 請 你 繼 續 剖 白 吧 。 就 這 樣 在 巴 士 搭 上 了 線 , 憑 的 是 一 句 含 蓄 而 得 體 的 自 嘲 。 英 語 說 到 這 個 境 界 , 文 法 再 熟 練 也 沒 有 用 , 詞 彙 記 得 再 多 也 枉 然 , 靠 的 是 想 像 力 、 創 意 、 才 華 。 香 港 的 英 文 育 , 一 千 年 , 也 不 出 這 等 英 語 , 因 為 中 國 人 本 來 就 不 會 充 滿 想 像 力 地 溝 通 。 訃 聞 版 是 甚 麼 ? 他 多 半 會 說 : 那 是 紀 念 名 人 的 傳 記 之 頁 。 這 樣 就 悶 出 鳥 來 。 用 這 等 平 鋪 直 的 方 式 就 想 結 識 美 女 ? 可 以 , 除 非 對 方 是 一 名 村 姑 。
中 國 人 在 西 方 社 會 , 英 語 最 多 只 能 說 得 平 穩 規 矩 , 說 不 出 情 趣 來 , 就 是 因 為 想 像 力 枯 竭 , 中 國 人 的 思 想 意 識 太 沉 重 了 。 地 道 的 英 語 是 輕 盈 的 , 笑 罵 不 帶 髒 字 , 富 有 隱 喻 , 要 有 豐 富 的 聯 想 , 能 夠 笑 嘻 嘻 地 唇 槍 舌 劍 。 像 《 誘 心 人 》 的 祖 迪 羅 又 想 打 女 攝 影 家 茱 莉 亞 羅 拔 絲 的 主 意 , 上 她 的 影 樓 , 叫 她 為 自 己 照 相 , 一 面 問 她 : 「 你 把 我 當 陌 生 人 嗎 ? 」 ( Am I a stranger? ) 羅 拔 絲 冷 冷 地 說 : 「 不 , 你 只 是 一 份 工 作 。 」 ( No, you are only a job. ) 這 就 是 上 等 的 英 語 能 力 了 。 許 多 華 人 在 美 國 , 最 多 只 能 用 英 文 在 學 術 會 議 念 報 告 , 休 息 的 時 候 , 不 懂 得 用 這 種 語 言 溝 通 。 許 多 人 自 覺 英 語 好 , 就 是 無 法 所 謂 融 入 當 地 社 會 。 學 學 《 誘 心 人 》 的 英 語 對 白 吧 。 想 媾 鬼 妹 , 英 語 要 有 點 創 意 , 先 走 出 唐 人 街 。
星期五, 3月 04, 2005
His Value
Oh, a long passage below. Don't bother to read or even reply.
Regarding Tao's view, I am of the thinking much same as yours.
Anyway, you should note that Tao is a HK local not a Caucasian, being born in China and spending his childhood and teenage years in HK. He has just received his college education and built up his career in the UK for some years. Why is he odd if he does what the locals do (even visiting vice if it is a legal norm and well accepted by the locals)? He would be strange if he doesn't. All of his words and messages in media are delivered for the purpose of earning money. The more his messages created and the more the audience, the more his income will be. Only the volumes but not the reality of his works matters.
You won't ask and expect Jackie Chan to behave like a police officer in the street. The role Jackie Chan playing in the moive like that Tao playing in media. Tao loves watching films and know well the role of a professional actor. Tao often describes naive those criticising him hypocritical. While Jackie never chases an actual gangster in the street, I think Tao, as a writer only, is never obliged to do what he writes or speaks. Indeed he often stresses that he will not. I won't believe a novelist could fly as Peter Pan. Lau Tak Wah could act well a police office in one moive while a gangster in another, or even both in the same film.
Following and learning from Tao, we should attempt to appreciate and enjoy works of art, moive, literature, entertainments from all sorts of media. Why do we bother to pursue the reality of these pieces, which wouldn't stay for an answer?
On the other hand, not completely agreeing with reporter Cheung, I find accurate and neutral reporting of the real happening appears one distinct, cruical function of journalists while editorial analysis another. Messing up them would easily lead to maniplating information or even thinking and considering readers' capabilities is a separate issue. Under political pressure, BBC replaces using "assassination" with writing "targetted killing" in describing Isreali recent putting Palestinian leaders to death . How do you contrast the two descriptions? Media in Asia would give more obvious examples.
As for allegedlly lacking criticism on Tao's last reply, have you ever supposed that Cheung treats Tao as her mentor, role idol, etc? So far, her image, neither simple nor naive in career (not necessarily in profession), looks not clashing with such guess.
Being "the first microphone" of CR, Tao is one of the public's idol in the media world like Mr Li CS in business. 倪震, hosting 絕情谷 (entertaining to me), admires Tao very much. So do I in some aspects. Few if not none can resist the accomplishment (我還可以混得不錯罷了). Describing this statement as humourous could be Cheung's implicitly approving opinion on it, though it might not be in your favour.
Cheung does add criticisms. By definition, criteria, analysis and conclusion are the main elements of criticism which delivers messages of either agreeing or disagreeing or even indiffernece.
Her comment immediately preceding her last answer appears to be some sort of criticism. (但今天生活在一個知識乾枯的香港, 陶傑才可以發熱發光.). This statement consists of the necessary elemets. What else consistent could Cheung add afterwards? Maybe the words "Tao deserves his accomplishments." She dares not have written "the audience sounds stupid to praise him as the first mic, consequently let him make money." (If he had not appeared in the magazine, you could have got some $18 to buy a CD.)
In doing business, entrepreneurs like Ms Winne Yu Tsang would reward only those delivering what the public wants, e.g. EEG treating Joey and Twins. Tomorrow's reporter Cheung in Journalism might climb up to somewhere like today's Joey in entertainment. You see how hard 李慧玲 works to grab 黃毓民's fans.
Talking about the interview again. Tao said, "Because they can't do it, because they are losers." It looks that either 董橋 and 金庸 couldn't or they wouldn't have done what Tao are currently doing but they are certainly not losers. On the other hand, it seems that neither Tao can nor he will do what they have done.
In addition to "the principle" you mentioned, capability and intellect appears also mattering. Nonetheless Tao is knowledgeable, diligent and intelligent, that makes him thriving in HK and creates another so-called HK success story. He somehow deserves his accomplishments.
I end this email with a sentence recently learned, "the observer could see thoughts slowly floating into people's mind, like carp in a pond." (Carp is a kind of small fish.)
Oh, a long passage below. Don't bother to read or even reply.
Regarding Tao's view, I am of the thinking much same as yours.
Anyway, you should note that Tao is a HK local not a Caucasian, being born in China and spending his childhood and teenage years in HK. He has just received his college education and built up his career in the UK for some years. Why is he odd if he does what the locals do (even visiting vice if it is a legal norm and well accepted by the locals)? He would be strange if he doesn't. All of his words and messages in media are delivered for the purpose of earning money. The more his messages created and the more the audience, the more his income will be. Only the volumes but not the reality of his works matters.
You won't ask and expect Jackie Chan to behave like a police officer in the street. The role Jackie Chan playing in the moive like that Tao playing in media. Tao loves watching films and know well the role of a professional actor. Tao often describes naive those criticising him hypocritical. While Jackie never chases an actual gangster in the street, I think Tao, as a writer only, is never obliged to do what he writes or speaks. Indeed he often stresses that he will not. I won't believe a novelist could fly as Peter Pan. Lau Tak Wah could act well a police office in one moive while a gangster in another, or even both in the same film.
Following and learning from Tao, we should attempt to appreciate and enjoy works of art, moive, literature, entertainments from all sorts of media. Why do we bother to pursue the reality of these pieces, which wouldn't stay for an answer?
On the other hand, not completely agreeing with reporter Cheung, I find accurate and neutral reporting of the real happening appears one distinct, cruical function of journalists while editorial analysis another. Messing up them would easily lead to maniplating information or even thinking and considering readers' capabilities is a separate issue. Under political pressure, BBC replaces using "assassination" with writing "targetted killing" in describing Isreali recent putting Palestinian leaders to death . How do you contrast the two descriptions? Media in Asia would give more obvious examples.
As for allegedlly lacking criticism on Tao's last reply, have you ever supposed that Cheung treats Tao as her mentor, role idol, etc? So far, her image, neither simple nor naive in career (not necessarily in profession), looks not clashing with such guess.
Being "the first microphone" of CR, Tao is one of the public's idol in the media world like Mr Li CS in business. 倪震, hosting 絕情谷 (entertaining to me), admires Tao very much. So do I in some aspects. Few if not none can resist the accomplishment (我還可以混得不錯罷了). Describing this statement as humourous could be Cheung's implicitly approving opinion on it, though it might not be in your favour.
Cheung does add criticisms. By definition, criteria, analysis and conclusion are the main elements of criticism which delivers messages of either agreeing or disagreeing or even indiffernece.
Her comment immediately preceding her last answer appears to be some sort of criticism. (但今天生活在一個知識乾枯的香港, 陶傑才可以發熱發光.). This statement consists of the necessary elemets. What else consistent could Cheung add afterwards? Maybe the words "Tao deserves his accomplishments." She dares not have written "the audience sounds stupid to praise him as the first mic, consequently let him make money." (If he had not appeared in the magazine, you could have got some $18 to buy a CD.)
In doing business, entrepreneurs like Ms Winne Yu Tsang would reward only those delivering what the public wants, e.g. EEG treating Joey and Twins. Tomorrow's reporter Cheung in Journalism might climb up to somewhere like today's Joey in entertainment. You see how hard 李慧玲 works to grab 黃毓民's fans.
Talking about the interview again. Tao said, "Because they can't do it, because they are losers." It looks that either 董橋 and 金庸 couldn't or they wouldn't have done what Tao are currently doing but they are certainly not losers. On the other hand, it seems that neither Tao can nor he will do what they have done.
In addition to "the principle" you mentioned, capability and intellect appears also mattering. Nonetheless Tao is knowledgeable, diligent and intelligent, that makes him thriving in HK and creates another so-called HK success story. He somehow deserves his accomplishments.
I end this email with a sentence recently learned, "the observer could see thoughts slowly floating into people's mind, like carp in a pond." (Carp is a kind of small fish.)
星期四, 3月 03, 2005
His Value
Your article yesterday has risen my interest in reading the whole article, hence I bought the magazine and has briefing gone thru the whole piece.
My impression on the quote "When in Rome, you have to do what the Romans do" is just an faulty argument. If there is sinful city where vice is the normal norm and has earned high value. Does someone just follow what the locals do? He/she must have some kind of underlying principles to guide them thru.
Imagine that a British officer visiting China 100 years ago. I bet he would have denied to do things as the locals did by refusing to hurt the "Glory of the British Empire" or to hurt the "Dignity of Her Majesty". This is "the principle" they stand for.
Regarding to the article, I noticed that the reporter is the same one scolded by Chairman Jiang. While quoting Tao Kit on criticism on the journalism, she agreed Tao's point and mentioned she always wanted to add her opinion about an news piece but was often rejected by her boss. But (sadly) at the end of the whole article she just reported what Tao's said and did not (or have no ability) to challenge his statement.......
Your article yesterday has risen my interest in reading the whole article, hence I bought the magazine and has briefing gone thru the whole piece.
My impression on the quote "When in Rome, you have to do what the Romans do" is just an faulty argument. If there is sinful city where vice is the normal norm and has earned high value. Does someone just follow what the locals do? He/she must have some kind of underlying principles to guide them thru.
Imagine that a British officer visiting China 100 years ago. I bet he would have denied to do things as the locals did by refusing to hurt the "Glory of the British Empire" or to hurt the "Dignity of Her Majesty". This is "the principle" they stand for.
Regarding to the article, I noticed that the reporter is the same one scolded by Chairman Jiang. While quoting Tao Kit on criticism on the journalism, she agreed Tao's point and mentioned she always wanted to add her opinion about an news piece but was often rejected by her boss. But (sadly) at the end of the whole article she just reported what Tao's said and did not (or have no ability) to challenge his statement.......
His Value
Further talking about the interview of Tao Kit written on Express Weekly, it ended with his reply to the question, "What do you think you have accomplished?".
He said, "Nevertheless, when Mr Tung has muddled HK to such terrible suitation during his past seven years' administration, my most accomplishment is that I could still be working not bad." (我還可以混得不錯罷了)
Describing his reply humourous by the interviewer might undermined his exclaimation, which looked hinting his preception, attitude and value, that and his another expression "When in Rome, you have to do what the Romans do." reinforcing each other.
He is capable of cooperating well with Winne Yu Tsang (as shown from the photo on the magazine), or any other successful entrepreneurs, and probably being one himself. From his facial expressions in the photos, he looks having sublimated himself if not sccumbed, as he said (因為人老了就學會 cool down, 情感沈澱.). Buddhist-like ears make him look marvellous, wearing treny glasses integrates him into society and his decent casual dressing depicts him a modest, learned man.
Go to buy one, HK$18 coming with three pieces; it should be worthwhile. There are other amazing reports too. I enjoy going through them, needless to say the photos and advs.
Further talking about the interview of Tao Kit written on Express Weekly, it ended with his reply to the question, "What do you think you have accomplished?".
He said, "Nevertheless, when Mr Tung has muddled HK to such terrible suitation during his past seven years' administration, my most accomplishment is that I could still be working not bad." (我還可以混得不錯罷了)
Describing his reply humourous by the interviewer might undermined his exclaimation, which looked hinting his preception, attitude and value, that and his another expression "When in Rome, you have to do what the Romans do." reinforcing each other.
He is capable of cooperating well with Winne Yu Tsang (as shown from the photo on the magazine), or any other successful entrepreneurs, and probably being one himself. From his facial expressions in the photos, he looks having sublimated himself if not sccumbed, as he said (因為人老了就學會 cool down, 情感沈澱.). Buddhist-like ears make him look marvellous, wearing treny glasses integrates him into society and his decent casual dressing depicts him a modest, learned man.
Go to buy one, HK$18 coming with three pieces; it should be worthwhile. There are other amazing reports too. I enjoy going through them, needless to say the photos and advs.
星期三, 3月 02, 2005
Artist or Worm or Both
I can read the Chinese passage regarding choas sent. To me, it is not the people's behaviour but the attitude (value) of the society towards it that matters. It is quite a complicated sociology issue for one need to understand the concepts of society and its poeple, and their interlocking, interacting relation.
Talking about that so-called cross-media veteran who received his college education in the UK, I would like to quote a sentence recently learned elsewhere: "The decay of society is praised by artists as the decay of a corpse is praised by worms." (corpse means dead animal body)
Below is a translated (by me) version of Tao Kit's reply to the criticism to his money oriented work attitude and his 無風骨 during the interview published in the latest Express Weekly:
"So what, it is the way to live in HK. I would not pretend highbrow (清高). As living in HK, I will ask myself to follow its value. 'When in Rome, you have to what the Romans do.' What else except money do HK people focus on? I would be different if I were to live in other place. Now if I am cheated out of my money, I will feel painful. Being cheated out of my empathy (sympathy or love) or trust on somebody is a minor issue to me. It is because, as his age grows, a man will cool down and his emotion settle down."
Noting his saying above, what could one expect from such man who is proficient in history and literature of both Europe and China, and knowledgable about Western value, and had worked in BBC? He might be ambitious to be not only an artist but a worm.
Sadly, what could one expect from the society in and by which he is being transfomed, on some way consciously and on other unconsciously? Fortunately, the value of the society might be measured by Heng Seng Index, complemented by its GDP, land auction prices, and so on.
I can read the Chinese passage regarding choas sent. To me, it is not the people's behaviour but the attitude (value) of the society towards it that matters. It is quite a complicated sociology issue for one need to understand the concepts of society and its poeple, and their interlocking, interacting relation.
Talking about that so-called cross-media veteran who received his college education in the UK, I would like to quote a sentence recently learned elsewhere: "The decay of society is praised by artists as the decay of a corpse is praised by worms." (corpse means dead animal body)
Below is a translated (by me) version of Tao Kit's reply to the criticism to his money oriented work attitude and his 無風骨 during the interview published in the latest Express Weekly:
"So what, it is the way to live in HK. I would not pretend highbrow (清高). As living in HK, I will ask myself to follow its value. 'When in Rome, you have to what the Romans do.' What else except money do HK people focus on? I would be different if I were to live in other place. Now if I am cheated out of my money, I will feel painful. Being cheated out of my empathy (sympathy or love) or trust on somebody is a minor issue to me. It is because, as his age grows, a man will cool down and his emotion settle down."
Noting his saying above, what could one expect from such man who is proficient in history and literature of both Europe and China, and knowledgable about Western value, and had worked in BBC? He might be ambitious to be not only an artist but a worm.
Sadly, what could one expect from the society in and by which he is being transfomed, on some way consciously and on other unconsciously? Fortunately, the value of the society might be measured by Heng Seng Index, complemented by its GDP, land auction prices, and so on.
Somebody's Success From Failure in American Dream
While I still remain a nobody, Clint Eastwood casts his triumph from an American Dream loser, grabbing the best picture and the best director of this year's Oscar Awards by the film "Million Dollar Baby.
In the moive, the female boxer loses her championship fight, is horribly injured and persuades her trainer, to kill her.
She feels far happier to have tasted a little success and ended up a cripple than to have remained a nobody.
The film's unAmerican enthusiasm for euthanasia (merciful killing) may bother someone. More remarkable, amid the American obsession with success, it prompts the question: "how exactly should a hyper-competitive society deal with its losers who are honest and diligent?"
The story of "Million Dollar Baby"
Frankie Dunn (CLINT EASTWOOD) has trained and managed some incredible fighters during a lifetime spent in the ring. The most important lesson he teaches his boxers is the one that rules his life: above all, always protect yourself. In the wake of a painful estrangement from his daughter, Frankie has been unwilling to let himself get close to anyone for a very long time. His only friend is Scrap (MORGAN FREEMAN), an ex-boxer who looks after Frankie's gym and knows that beneath his gruff exterior is a man who has attended Mass almost every day for the past 23 years, seeking the forgiveness that somehow continues to elude him. Then Maggie Fitzgerald (HILARY SWANK) walks into his gym. Maggie's never had much, but there is one thing she does have that very few people in this world ever do: she knows what she wants and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get it. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie's gotten herself this far on raw talent, unshakable focus and a tremendous force of will. But more than anything, what she wants is for someone to believe in her. The last thing Frankie needs is that kind of responsibility - let alone that kind of risk. He tells Maggie the blunt hard truth: she's too old and he doesn't train girls. But 'no' has little meaning when you have no other choice. Unwilling or unable to give up on her life's ambition, Maggie wears herself to the bone at the gym every day, encouraged only by Scrap. Finally won over by Maggie's sheer determination, Frankie begrudgingly agrees to take her on. In turns exasperating and inspiring each other, the two come to discover that they share a common spirit that transcends the pain and loss of their pasts, and find in each other a sense of family they lost long ago. What they don't know is that soon they will both face a battle that's going to demand more heart and courage than any they've ever known.
While I still remain a nobody, Clint Eastwood casts his triumph from an American Dream loser, grabbing the best picture and the best director of this year's Oscar Awards by the film "Million Dollar Baby.
In the moive, the female boxer loses her championship fight, is horribly injured and persuades her trainer, to kill her.
She feels far happier to have tasted a little success and ended up a cripple than to have remained a nobody.
The film's unAmerican enthusiasm for euthanasia (merciful killing) may bother someone. More remarkable, amid the American obsession with success, it prompts the question: "how exactly should a hyper-competitive society deal with its losers who are honest and diligent?"
The story of "Million Dollar Baby"
Frankie Dunn (CLINT EASTWOOD) has trained and managed some incredible fighters during a lifetime spent in the ring. The most important lesson he teaches his boxers is the one that rules his life: above all, always protect yourself. In the wake of a painful estrangement from his daughter, Frankie has been unwilling to let himself get close to anyone for a very long time. His only friend is Scrap (MORGAN FREEMAN), an ex-boxer who looks after Frankie's gym and knows that beneath his gruff exterior is a man who has attended Mass almost every day for the past 23 years, seeking the forgiveness that somehow continues to elude him. Then Maggie Fitzgerald (HILARY SWANK) walks into his gym. Maggie's never had much, but there is one thing she does have that very few people in this world ever do: she knows what she wants and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get it. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie's gotten herself this far on raw talent, unshakable focus and a tremendous force of will. But more than anything, what she wants is for someone to believe in her. The last thing Frankie needs is that kind of responsibility - let alone that kind of risk. He tells Maggie the blunt hard truth: she's too old and he doesn't train girls. But 'no' has little meaning when you have no other choice. Unwilling or unable to give up on her life's ambition, Maggie wears herself to the bone at the gym every day, encouraged only by Scrap. Finally won over by Maggie's sheer determination, Frankie begrudgingly agrees to take her on. In turns exasperating and inspiring each other, the two come to discover that they share a common spirit that transcends the pain and loss of their pasts, and find in each other a sense of family they lost long ago. What they don't know is that soon they will both face a battle that's going to demand more heart and courage than any they've ever known.
星期六, 2月 26, 2005
Passionate Films Suggested
While watching the arrogance of Howard Hughes in "Aviator" and the superficial fanciness of Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu Hustle", you might consider viewing the two showing movies "Closer" and "Crying Out Love..." below, both talking about love.
Apart from its stunning view on contemperory attitude towards mating, the screenplay in "Closer" would show the elegance of English literature.
Along with depicting their affection for aethetics, "Crying Out Love..." presents traditional Japanese's perseverance towards relationship, in contract with nowadays instantaneous style.
I believe watching the films would make one passionate, like listening to Joey Yung's songs.
Academy Award®-winning director Mike Nichols follows the triumphant \"Angels in America\" with Closer. A bitingly funny and honest look at modern relationships, Closer is the story of four strangers (Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman and Clive Owen) ¡V their chance meetings, instant attractions and casual betrayals.
兩男兩女,兩對戀人。由甜蜜的一見鍾情開始,以背叛復仇作結——具毀滅性情慾關係。 改編自1997年上演的英國同名舞台劇,《畢業生》金像名導米克尼高斯執導,重新探討現代男女對愛情的詮釋,展現出愛情本質最真實而殘酷的一面:剎那間的吸引、執著、嫉妒、自私、自欺、背叛…… 愛情從來不能以邏輯解釋,當中的糾纏是對愛情最深入而細膩的寫照。
在世界中心呼喚愛Crying Out Love, In the Center of the WorldSynopsis
The disappearance of his fiancée, Ritsuko, puzzles Sakutaro. He travels to Shikoku in search of her, to a town where he experienced his first love, Aki, a high school classmate. Things he sees after seventeen years vividly refresh his memories of romance. In particular, a photo studio where he posed for a picture with her dressed as bride lures him into a world of vision making him feel as though he were travelling backward in time.
While watching the arrogance of Howard Hughes in "Aviator" and the superficial fanciness of Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu Hustle", you might consider viewing the two showing movies "Closer" and "Crying Out Love..." below, both talking about love.
Apart from its stunning view on contemperory attitude towards mating, the screenplay in "Closer" would show the elegance of English literature.
Along with depicting their affection for aethetics, "Crying Out Love..." presents traditional Japanese's perseverance towards relationship, in contract with nowadays instantaneous style.
I believe watching the films would make one passionate, like listening to Joey Yung's songs.
Academy Award®-winning director Mike Nichols follows the triumphant \"Angels in America\" with Closer. A bitingly funny and honest look at modern relationships, Closer is the story of four strangers (Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman and Clive Owen) ¡V their chance meetings, instant attractions and casual betrayals.
兩男兩女,兩對戀人。由甜蜜的一見鍾情開始,以背叛復仇作結——具毀滅性情慾關係。 改編自1997年上演的英國同名舞台劇,《畢業生》金像名導米克尼高斯執導,重新探討現代男女對愛情的詮釋,展現出愛情本質最真實而殘酷的一面:剎那間的吸引、執著、嫉妒、自私、自欺、背叛…… 愛情從來不能以邏輯解釋,當中的糾纏是對愛情最深入而細膩的寫照。
在世界中心呼喚愛Crying Out Love, In the Center of the WorldSynopsis
The disappearance of his fiancée, Ritsuko, puzzles Sakutaro. He travels to Shikoku in search of her, to a town where he experienced his first love, Aki, a high school classmate. Things he sees after seventeen years vividly refresh his memories of romance. In particular, a photo studio where he posed for a picture with her dressed as bride lures him into a world of vision making him feel as though he were travelling backward in time.
星期一, 2月 07, 2005
It's an imperfect world
It's an imperfect world full of imperfect people. Will it be too much to ask them to be perfect around you?
How about embracing the imperfect world as the way it is?
Accepting the world is ever changing. There will be changes to the better side. There will be hope for a better world with better people.
Business people always talk about "embracing the change", how about "embracing the way as it is"?
How about embracing the imperfect world as the way it is?
Accepting the world is ever changing. There will be changes to the better side. There will be hope for a better world with better people.
Business people always talk about "embracing the change", how about "embracing the way as it is"?
星期六, 1月 22, 2005
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