Your article yesterday has risen my interest in reading the whole article, hence I bought the magazine and has briefing gone thru the whole piece.
My impression on the quote "When in Rome, you have to do what the Romans do" is just an faulty argument. If there is sinful city where vice is the normal norm and has earned high value. Does someone just follow what the locals do? He/she must have some kind of underlying principles to guide them thru.
Imagine that a British officer visiting China 100 years ago. I bet he would have denied to do things as the locals did by refusing to hurt the "Glory of the British Empire" or to hurt the "Dignity of Her Majesty". This is "the principle" they stand for.
Regarding to the article, I noticed that the reporter is the same one scolded by Chairman Jiang. While quoting Tao Kit on criticism on the journalism, she agreed Tao's point and mentioned she always wanted to add her opinion about an news piece but was often rejected by her boss. But (sadly) at the end of the whole article she just reported what Tao's said and did not (or have no ability) to challenge his statement.......